pondělí 22. prosince 2014

Conflicts in Europe - Sweden

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

The last weeks the swedish students have been studying some conflicts in history lessons. We have been reading about the world wars, more about that later on, and about some swedish conflicts. Here is a text from two of our students about their thoughts about this conflict.

Ådalen, Sweden, 1931

Conflicts in Swedish history. 
Ådalen 1931, there were a peaceful demonstration. Military ruined it, five killed and five hurt. 
  Today we talked about Swedish history, specifically the topic about Ådalen. There was rescission and the companies lowered the salary. The workers thought that was unfair and demonstratedThe 14 of may 1931 there was a big demonstration and military had been called in to say that the way was shut down. The soldiers threw smoke-grenades some of the demonstrators got burn marks. 
   When the military noticed that that didn’t work they sent in the cavalry. The cavalry said "Stop in the name of the law". Even if they wanted to stop they couldn’t because the one behind pushed them forward. This caused that the military tried to scare them back but only ended scaring the horses. Because of that they started shooting. 
   Four of the demonstrators got killed and one woman who was just watching. Another five demonstrators got hurt. This  
   This conflict could have resulted in a revolution. A lot of people were angry with the government. But it was solved in a peaceful way. The Swedish model, which includes talking with your opponents and try to find a solution instead of battling each other began to take form.  We will study more conflicts in swedish history, for example the midsummer crisis during the second world war, and see if we can find a pattern of how conflicts can be solved in a peaceful way. 

neděle 30. listopadu 2014

Hi again!

Remember us? We're primary school  students from the SOS-W (special education care centre) in

Rybnik. We hope you liked our school last time when you visited us in January 2013 thanks to our

Comenius project "Diversity and inclusion in sporting activities". To tell you the truth, nothing much

has changed in our school since then. Still there are around 100 children  and 40 teachers who work

at the SOS-W in Rybnik. As you know, the SOS-W consists of school dormitory and  four education

units: a kindergarten, a primary school and a secondary school. But, in the near future the secondary

school is going to be joined to different school of higher education for students with special needs in

the outskirts of Rybnik.

Below there are photos presenting our Christmas gift "Let us introduce by means of

photoblocks"  made by the youngest students in the SOS-W and which will be sent to our young

friends in France .....



středa 5. listopadu 2014

Moravian Brethern Museum visit

We visited two museums in Suchdol nad Odrou. We went by train there.

The first museum was in an old house. It was about history of Moravian Brethern (Brothers) in Suchdol, how they didn´t want to change their faith and to fight, so they left the country and went into all the world, from Greenland to Nepal...

The second museum was about aircraft archeology - it means that people dig our crashed planed. It was in the cellar. It was cool but also scary - they displayed things they found in planes, including personal  items like family photos, letters pilots had on them - they were so young, not much older then some of our friends from 9. grade. We wondered if they wanted to participate in this war.

The coolest and scariest thing was the reconstructed plane - it is not safe like modern cars for exemple, it´s thin like tuna can.

středa 22. října 2014

Sadako´s Cranes

We learned about Sadako Sasaki and her desire for peace, and we also learned how to make a paper crane. We made some, put them in box and will hang them one by one as we study peace solutions. More pictures in our Picasa gallery.

pondělí 29. září 2014


Would you like to join our school Thirty Years' War history club ???

During after-school meetings with our history teacher we read and watch  different materials on the war, use maps as well as talk about conflicts between countries in that time. We also collect materials to Thirty Years' War  portfolio. In the near fure we'll take part in the Thirty Years' War school contest. Keep fingers crossed for us!