pondělí 23. května 2016

European Spring Day in SOS-W!

For our friends from the kindergarten (near our school) we organised a board therapeutic              game titled "Friends from European fairy tales".
In the gym we set mega cubes and they were train stations in the game. On every cube were few printable copies of characters from fairy tales. Pupils created a train and to the rhythm of  Polish song “Jedzie pociąg z daleka” go on a trip around Europe. The “train” stoped at each  cube station and new passengers from fairy tales were invited to join the trip. We travelled as long as every child got his/her own illustration. Afterwards, children found good place to sit (in a circle), got crayons and coloured their  tale characters. When they finished they  put their coloured pictures face-down on the ground.  Then, one of the pupils threw a big dice and started the game (standard board game).  All children did funny activities (related to the pictures and read by teachers) following the board game instructions.
We spent a great time with our small friends!


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