úterý 16. června 2015

Sweden visited Wasa

We have visited the, for some of you, well known ship Wasa in the Wasa museum with our pupils from grade four.
The ship was i warship which sank on its first trip outside Stockholm in 1628. 1961 the ship was brought up from the sea. It´s now the only ship from the 1600s in the world that stands on the ground. The thing that strikes you when you visit the museum is how huge the ship was. It is also full of symbols in the form of Roman Emperor , mythical creatures and laughing , contemptuous faces. Anything to put themselves in respect of the enemies . The museum also displays a variety of objects that have been salvaged from the ship. You really learn a lot about how life could be on board a 1600 - century ship . You also understand how the pursuit of status and honor ran kings and others to anything at this time , even to build ships that didn´t even survived their first trip . It was an exciting and learning visit to the Wasa Museum !
Our younger students like the museum a lot, it was a fantastic day. They have also made some works about this historical period but we didn´t manage to put them on the blog before the holiday suddenly come, we´ll share it with you in august! 
We wish you all a long and nice summer-holiday!

3 komentáře:

  1. merci de nous avoir montrer cette photo Owen et Alexandre

  2. ryan est content de lire cette histoire suédoise. Ecole du Pian

  3. Il est très beau se bateau vous l avait bien Construit , mais je suis désoler pour votre bateau qui a même pas fait sent mètre est il a couler. Éva et Kimberley
